V'ha-*sheleg* lahem chomah miminam u-mi-s'molam
Here's my version, seen in this post's title:
. . . and the snow was for them a wall on their right hand, and on their left.
Did I happen to mention that New York City is in mid-blizzard, along with much of the east coast of the United States?
When I finally got to shul (synagogue), delayed by the need to bundle up against 50-mile-per-hour (80.47-kilometer-per-hour) wind gusts and to plow through the snow (which was accumulating too rapidly to remove) on the sidewalks and streets, I found that the only folks who'd beaten me there were the cantor and the "acting rabbi," better known as my husband. We ended up with a grand total of six people, and read the Torah and haftarah readings from a chumash, holding the Minchah/Afternoon Service right after kiddush, and cancelling Maariv/Evening Service at the synagogue for safety reasons. I don't expect to leave our apartment building again before Monday. Yep, it's cabin-fever time.
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